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Which Online Business Should You Start?
So... there I was sitting in the HR directors office with a sick feeling in my stomach, an off feeling, that was seriously uncomfortable.

I just knew, I was about to be fired from my job. A job I absolutely loved. A job I gave my heart and soul to. 

How would I pay the bills for me and my kids? It was just me, a single mom, facing one of the worst situations that could be happening. Someone was taking away my livelihood and jeopardizing my kids’ well-being.

I had to make some decisions and quick!

That is when my journey started to find the online business of my dreams. 

I was going for it!

What did I have to lose??

I took online courses, I hired coaches, I joined group programs, I bought tools and I worked my little fingers to the bones.

I believed all the promises. I really thought that I would be fully booked in 90 days.

But guess what?

It didn’t happen. 

I applied myself, I learned and learned and worked and worked; but the promises made by the so-called gurus didn’t!

I was disillusioned! I was never going to buy another program or app or tool! 

After trying and trying one business after another, I was ready to call it quits and die a slow death in a cubicle somewhere!

That is the precise moment I saw the online presentation by Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. I really struggled with buying the course or not. It sounded like everything that I needed, but I was pretty burned from other not-so great courses.

Well, I did buy it and then set about completing the course. 

It was amazing!

Through the course I realized that it wasn’t all my fault. I got a glimpse into the truth about online businesses and online selling. I found out I had been given only half-truths meant to keep me coming back for more and more without ever giving me what i needed to be successful!

It took time and I went about it the long way, but I did it! With Tony and Dean’s help I cracked the code.

I just couldn’t sit here knowing all I know and not share it with you. It is my desire and hope that you don’t have to go through what I went through, wasting time and money.

I wanted to package up all the secrets and all the shortcuts and offer it to you, so you too could start the online business of your dreams and drop the shackles of the 9-5 where someone else controls your destiny!


Here is the start of the journey. A most important first step.

You must know what you want, who you want to serve, and how you want to serve them.

Without this critical first step - you will flounder like I did.

But there is no need. Today we are going to go over part one in my Get Ready Workbook that I created to help aspiring entrepreneurs get unstuck and find a great business to start.

These are the same steps.I used and the same steps that I bring my personal coaching clients through to start their online businesses.

You will need to explore the possibilities. 

Picking an online business to start is by far the hardest part of the whole process. Let's spend some time and do this the right way.

When you are done, you will have a clear understanding of what business to start. You will know that it will be a good business with people who want your product/service, that there is a healthy amount of competition within that market, and that it can be profitable.

After spending nearly four years searching for my perfect online business the long way to it, this is the shortest way I can show you how to come up with yours. 

First let’s look at types of markets that are out there and where your initial ideas may fall. 

The most profitable and self-sustaining markets you can choose your business from are the three evergreen markets of health, wealth, and relationships.

Within each of these are many sub-markets. For example, if you picked “health”, you could then pick “fitness” as a sub-market. You could go even further and more niched down and pick “fitness for cyclers”, or “fitness for expecting moms”.

If you picked the “wealth” market, you could pick the sub-market of “real estate”. You could then niche down further to how to “buy commercial property”.

If you picked “relationships”, you could pick the sub-market of “marriage”, and then niche down to “how to save your marriage after an affair”.

Start to consider your initial ideas of a business to start. What market or markets are they in? What sub-market? What niche market?

When trying to decide which online business is best, it is good to start with the different types of entrepreneurs.

There are 3 main types of Entrepreneurs. 

Mission based entrepreneurs are those who have a drive in them to do what they are doing. Often times it comes from a hardship or a loss they have endured. For example, when a parent loses a child to a disease, they might create a non-profit that raises money to find a cure for that disease. Other parents might start a foundation to raise money for temporary housing for parents dealing with their child’s illness away from home. These people feel compelled and it is their mission to do what they do.

Is there anything in your life that you could create a mission-based business from?

Passion based entrepreneurs find their business ideas from what they are passionate about. Hobbies can be a source of inspiration. We are led to believe all entrepreneurs must be passionate about their businesses, so much so they would do it for free. But this is not true! To be passionate about your business would be amazing, but it is not totally necessary. Businesses started around passion could be exercising, gardening, painting, photography, children, anything you might be passionate about.

Is there anything in your life you could create a passion-based business from?

Opportunity based entrepreneurs make up the majority of the rest of the business types. I love this type. I am of the see a need, fill a need philosophy and many great inventions and companies have been founded this way. Opportunity based businesses could be created around solving a problem you have experienced, or figuring out a better solution to a problem than what currently exists. You do not have to be passionate about the problem or even the solution, you could find your passion in helping people who have been in the same situation as you. You could find passion in the experience of creating a business. Either way, opportunity-based businesses fill an important need in society.

Is there anything in your life you could create an opportunity-based business from?

Let's Search Your Interests now. Answer these personality questions truthfully!
After spending nearly four years searching for my perfect online business the long way to it, this is the shortest way I can show you how to come up with yours. 

First let’s look at types of markets that are out there and where your initial ideas may fall. 

The most profitable and self-sustaining markets you can choose your business from are the three evergreen markets of health, wealth, and relationships.

Within each of these are many sub-markets. For example, if you picked “health”, you could then pick “fitness” as a sub-market. You could go even further and more niched down and pick “fitness for cyclers”, or “fitness for expecting moms”.

If you picked the “wealth” market, you could pick the sub-market of “real estate”. You could then niche down further to how to “buy commercial property”.

If you picked “relationships”, you could pick the sub-market of “marriage”, and then niche down to “how to save your marriage after an affair”.

Start to consider your initial ideas of a business to start. What market or markets are they in? What sub-market? What niche market?

Here is a list of some niche ideas to help give you inspiration. 

When trying to decide which online business is best, it is good to start with the different types of entrepreneurs.

There are 3 main types of Entrepreneurs. 

Mission based entrepreneurs are those who have a drive in them to do what they are doing. Often times it comes from a hardship or a loss they have endured. For example, when a parent loses a child to a disease, they might create a non-profit that raises money to find a cure for that disease. Other parents might start a foundation to raise money for temporary housing for parents dealing with their child’s illness away from home. These people feel compelled and it is their mission to do what they do.

Is there anything in your life that you could create a mission-based business from?

Passion based entrepreneurs find their business ideas from what they are passionate about. Hobbies can be a source of inspiration. We are led to believe all entrepreneurs must be passionate about their businesses, so much so they would do it for free. But this is not true! To be passionate about your business would be amazing, but it is not totally necessary. Businesses started around passion could be exercising, gardening, painting, photography, children, anything you might be passionate about.

Is there anything in your life you could create a passion-based business from?

Opportunity based entrepreneurs make up the majority of the rest of the business types. I love this type. I am of the see a need, fill a need philosophy and many great inventions and companies have been founded this way. Opportunity based businesses could be created around solving a problem you have experienced, or figuring out a better solution to a problem than what currently exists. You do not have to be passionate about the problem or even the solution, you could find your passion in helping people who have been in the same situation as you. You could find passion in the experience of creating a business. Either way, opportunity-based businesses fill an important need in society.

Is there anything in your life you could create an opportunity-based business from?

Let's Search Your Interests now. Answer these personality questions truthfully!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Do you prefer to work alone or on a team?

Do you prefer to speak one on one? To a group? Or to a large crowd?

Are you funny, creative or analytical?

How would you describe your personality?

What social media do you spend the most time on?

List your travel experiences?

List your relevant life experiences?

What do you love to talk about?

What is controversial about how you think?

What hobbies do you have?

What have you always wanted to learn?

What do people ask you advice on?

What challenges have you had to overcome?

What are difficult situations you have faced?

What are some life lessons you have learned?

What jobs have you held?

What awards have you been given?

What did you excel at in previous jobs?

What is your education?

What courses have you taken outside of school?

What special trainings have you had?

What certifications do you possess?

What have you always wanted to do?

What is your lifelong dream?

What have you worked at and are finally good at?

What makes you unique?

What have you always wanted to do better? Play piano, write a book, lose weight)

What comes easy to you?

What are things you seem to be better at than most?

You Must Discover Your Why

Why do you want an online business?

Family? Money? Time? Freedom? Lifestyle? Impact? Legacy?

I urge you all to complete the 7 Level Deep Exercise to help narrow down your why. 

Let's Research Your Options

Take all your brainstorming and start to compile a list of possible ideas.

Anything in the health market? Anything in the wealth market? Anything in the relationship market? 

Anything mission based? Anything passion based? Anything opportunity based?

Do you want to do products, online digital products, e-commerce products, service based, events based?

List them all out. List as many ideas as you have all on one sheet of paper.

Now take the top five favorite ideas from the list and circle them.

You are going to take these five top ideas and turn them into key word phrases; like if you were to google them, how would you write them. 

You could actually start to write them in the google search bar and see what other ideas pop up.

For example if you type in public speaking: public speaking classes, public speaking tips, public speaking in a diverse society and public speaking anxiety pop up.  

Once you look up keywords for your top five list. Turn your list into “I want to help people….do blank”

It would go something like, "I want to help people with public speaking anxiety.

Do this for all five ideas.

Now we need to evaluate these five options.

Check each one, do they suit your personality, is it in line with who you are and who you want to be? 

Can you see yourself doing this for the next 5 years, if yes, keep them on the list. If you answer no to any of these questions, cross it off your list.

Next search google keywords to see if there is enough people searching for your key words. Is the term too broad or is it not searched enough? 

This is tricky. Something like yoga would be too broad, it would have way too many searches for you to jump in and be affective in that market. Yoga mat may be too narrow and not enough people searching for that term. You would want to find something in the middle.

You may have heard of red and blue ocean. Red ocean is when there is too much competition fighting over the possible customers in that market. A blue ocean is when there is no fighting and the waters are calm.

A red ocean (keyword search with a lot of searches) is not good to start a business in, you could be eaten up by the competition it take a lot of resource to be successful in this type of market.

A blue ocean might not be good either. It might be blue because there is no one in there wanting your product. 

Ryan Levesque in his book choose has a key to finding out if your keywords are in the category of too many search terms or not enough. Check out his book or check out our Get Ready Kit.

If your term is too broad change it until is works by adding words to it to make it more niched. If it is too narrow, try changing it up to make it work.

Take your term and look on the first page of an amazon search.

Are competitors advertising on the page? How many are?

Here again is where too many is not a good sign and neither is too few.

Now here is where Ryan Levesque has you take the terms you have created run the terms through this criterion

1. Are their players with money? For example the Pet industry, people spend gads amounts of money on their pets. High school graduates, maybe not players with money

2. Is their a fanbase?

3. Is their conventions around this topic. For example comic con, or small business expo, are their facebook groups on the topic are their clubs that meet.

4. Is it evergreen, avoid topics like iphone 11 or fidget spinners. These are great short-term markets, but better for you would be something that would last longer

Now – here is the moment of truth. 

Take your narrowed down list. After having run it through all the steps we have taken. Even if two or three business ideas have made it through to the end.

It is time to make a decision.

*Oh and if you got here and there is nothing left, then go back through your brainstorm and start again with a new list of five.

But when you get through the exercise and you are down to one, two or three choices, make a decision.

Commit to it and run with it.

No more second guessing, no more dabbling. This is your new idea.

Later, once you get this business off the ground, go back and see if another idea is one you want to start, but in the meantime. Kill those ideas. And focus on the one you picked.

This has been a huge step if you have gotten to hear. 


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